Trainings and Workshops

I deliver engaging and skills-oriented workshops on disability, mental health, sex education and artmaking in the context of intersectional experiences. These trainings focus on collective skills-building and community relationships. They are tailored for a variety of participants including students, grassroots organizers, artists, volunteers, organizations and community groups.

All workshops are developed and facilitated with disabled queer & trans BIPOC individuals

If you are interested in hosting a workshop, training session, or having me speak at an event, please contact me!

Three people of colour sit around a table with notepads, tablets and a laptop

Three people of colour sit around a table with notepads, tablets and a laptop.

Workshop Offerings

I facilitate workshops on topics such as: anti-oppression and privilege, disability, LGBTQ identities, healthcare, mental health, wellness, artmaking and storytelling.

Click the button below to see all workshop offerings.

Speaking Engagements

I have given talks and lectures on a variety of topics including: internalized ableism, queerness and mental health, crafting as a tool of social justice, feminism, queerness and the arts, disability and queer identities. If you think I might be a good fit for your conference, classroom or lecture series please reach out.

Organizations I have worked with